The Iraqi Army has joined Russia and the US in releasing footage of a deadly airstrike on an ISIL target in the northern city of Tikrit.
Colour footage of a drone bombing that appeared online yesterday shows a truck being turned into a smouldering wreck, leaving “a number” of jihadists dead, according to the Iraqi ministry of defence’s official YouTube channel.
US and coalition forces, which includes Australia, conducted 26 airstrikes in Iraq alongside Iraqi forces over the last few days, the US Department of Defence reported.
The airstrikes comes a day after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull made a surprise visit to the Iraqi capital Baghdad to address Australian and New Zealand troops.
“We do not intend to be in Iraq forever. It has been a long time,” he said.
“In terms of visible boots on the ground it has to be seen by the Iraqi people, it has to be seen to be them regaining control of their own country.”
Australia is the second-largest contributor to the coalition in Iraq, after the United States.
Three hundred Australians are training the Iraqi military, alongside 100 New Zealanders.
Another 80 Australian special forces are advising Iraqi special forces while the air task group conducts missions over Iraq and Syria.