The meeting took place on Wednesday and saw executives from Apple, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, MTV and Buzzfeed offer input on the issue, CNN said citing an industry source. The US Justice Department, the National Security Council and the State Department took part in the discussion.
According to CNN, participants in the meeting developed plans to counteract Daesh and other extremist propaganda with “counter-narratives and optimistic messaging.”
Daesh has ceased vast areas in Iraq and Syria, forcing thousands of people to flee their homes. Daesh is notorious for its brutal tactics, such as public beheadings and the stoning of women.
The group and its affiliates have claimed responsibility for a number of major terrorist attacks, including the November attacks in Paris.
Daesh, which is banned in a range of countries including Russia, is known for its successful online propaganda and social media recruitment tactics, which primarily target young people from around the world.