The Muslim Brotherhood is spending millions of dollars to lobby Washington to avoid being designated a terror organization, reports Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin
Confirming a WND report, the Middle East Media Research Institute found the Muslim Brotherhood has signed a contract with an American lobbying firm to spend $4.8 million “to help it establish ties with Trump administration officials.”
There apparently is reason for the Brotherhood to believe lobbying is necessary.
“Already in November 2016, immediately after Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential elections, the movement began preparing to counter U.S. moves to designate it terrorist,” MEMRI said.
“The Egyptian Institute for Political and Strategic Studies, which belongs to the Brotherhood and operates from Turkey under the directorship of Amr Darrag, who served as minister of planning and international cooperation in the administration of former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi, published a document by Dr. Badr Shafi’i on November 26 with recommendations for the movement on how to deal with America’s intent to promote a terrorist designation of the MB,” MEMRI reported.
“The recommendations include: Appointing elements within the movement to supervise these steps and make contact with experts on international relations; contacting politicians, clerics, and countries that could sympathize with the MB in order to improve its image in Congress; establishing a legal-media team and hold ties with members of Congress; hiring a U.S. law firm and public relations teams; and establishing a substantial Islamic lobby in the U.S., while strengthening ties with movements opposing Trump’s policy.”
The report said that during Trump’s campaign, Middle East adviser Walid Phares repeatedly stated that the new president would support the passage of a bill designating the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., introduced such a bill in 2015, and in January it was introduced again.
Cruz tweeted then he was: “Proud to introduce Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act w @MarioDB. It’s time to call the enemy by its name.”
In response, the Brotherhood began “preparations to confront the bill and prevent its passage.”
“Launching a widespread informational media campaign, including the hiring of U.S. lobbying and legal firms, outreach to the press in the U.S., and dissemination of informational content aimed at improving its image in the West, particularly in the U.S., the MB attempted to convey that it is not a terrorist organization,” the report said.
The lobbying campaign has been opposed by the Egyptian regime, which believes the Brotherhood is a threat to the state.
The report said various articles have been published extolling the Brotherhood, and there are efforts “not only in Egypt but in 82 countries around the world … meant to prevent the decision.”
The $4.8 million lobbying contract includes meetings with administration officials, publishing articles in American media and providing platforms for movement officials.