Italian security police on Tuesday arrested a 29-year-old Macedonian national, Agim Miftarov, on suspicion of terror offences. They said he had been training to carry out “imminent” terrorist action, like reported by
“The danger was imminent and concrete”, said a preliminary investigations judge.
A search of his home turned up drones, military clothing and a cellphone containing jihadi propaganda, and searches on self-training methods, as well as the use of armed commercial drones and the making of DIY taser guns.
Miftarov lived like “an ascetic” and had formed a terror of police, judicial sources said.
He worked as a lumberjack and lived in an apartment at Tolfa near Viterbo, they said.
Miftarov had no social life and was so afraid of police checks that he did not got to the ER when he hurt himself with an axe.
His computer showed more than 4,000 contacts with the jihadist world.