The latest issue of the Islamic State’s (ISIS) propaganda magazine Dabiq called fore more attacks on the West.
“Between the release of this issue of Dabiq and the next slaughter to be executed against them by the hidden soldiers of the Caliphate – who are ordered to attack without delay,” the introduction of the magazine said.
An ISIS female member called Umm Khalid al-Finlandiyya demanded Muslims that are not able to travel to ISIS-territories “to attack the Crusaders and their allies wherever you are, as that is something that you are able to do.”
“Don’t be tricked by the apostate ‘scholars’. The truth is out there and it isn’t hard to find as long as you open your heart to it,” the jihadi woman said.
Another American convert wrote in the magazine “it becomes even more obligatory for you to attack the Crusader nations and their citizens in their homelands, as done by the likes of the Caliphate’s soldiers.”
Last week, the FBI-head James B. Comey warned that territorial losses for ISIS on the ground in Syria and Iraq could lead to an uptick of terrorist attacks in the West, not a reduction in them.
The ISIS extremist group has been losing more and more territory in both Syria and Iraq.
In Syria, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have taken control of over 50 per cent of the former ISIS stronghold of Manbij on the border with Turkey.
This while in Iraq, preparations are under way for the battle of Mosul, which is the main bastion for ISIS in northern Iraq, and the Iraqi forces are steadily and slowly advancing towards the Syrian border and surrounding Mosul.