The country’s authorities have forbidden eccentric styles, terrified that spikey or feathered hair cuts might encourage homosexuality or Satanism. The strict regime has previously banned ponytails and mullets but rebellious teens moved on to alternative floppy fringes and eighties-style quiffs.
Beauty treatments, including tanning and hair removal, have also been outlawed under the outrageous orders. Mostafa Govahi, the head of Iran’s barbers’ union, said: “Devil-worshipping hairstyles are forbidden. “Any shop that cuts hair in the devil worshipping style will be harshly dealt with and their licence revoked.
“Tattoos, solarium treatments and plucking eyebrows are also forbidden.”
The Islamic authorities have a history of implementing strict rules on men and women deemed to be imitating Western trends. Barber shops cutting people’s hair in styles deemed unacceptable have been threatened with closure under the latest declaration.
In a separate interview, Govahi said: “Haircuts that show symbols or signs of devil worshippers or those adopted by homosexuals are banned. “I won’t allow such wrongful western styles as long as I’m in this position.”