In the aftermath of the Finsbury Park attack on innocent worshippers in London, some gross comments were flying about seemingly attempting to justify the senseless violence against Muslims as some sort of ‘revenge attack’ against the deranged jihadis that killed in the Westminster, Manchester and London Bridge atrocities.
Ex-EDL leader Tommy Robinson was branded a ‘bigoted lunatic’ for his loaded tweets after the attack near a mosque.
Obviously, glorifying terrorist murder no matter who commits the crime is dangerous and illegal.
If you have seen posts which you find disturbing and think could be an indication that a person is promoting terrorism and extremism or attempting to radicalise people there is something you can do about it.
If you’ve witnessed a crime that needs emergency attention or you think there is an immediate threat to somebody’s life – call 999.
Posts on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook or similar websites can be reported using this online form on the Home Office website.
The form asks for details about the offending post, such as where you saw it, what kind of material it was, e.g. a video or text.
You will also be asked who posted the material and if you now where they are from and similar information.
After providing information about the offending post, the form will ask if you mind being contacted for further information to help with the investigation, or if you wish to remain anonymous.
You will then be asked to confirm the submission.
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