He buying weapons and explosives illegally in Ukraine, police revealed. The man was arrested in late May but it has only just emerged that police believe he was plotting attacks during the European Championships, which begin on Friday when France take on Romania.
The SBU said in a statement on Monday that it had followed a French man since December and allowed him to purchase five machine guns, two rocket propelled grenades and other weapons before he was arrested on the Ukrainian-Polish border last month.
The agency did not identify the man but said he was driven by ultra-nationalist views and planned 15 attacks on bridges, railways and other pieces of infrastructure for Euro 2016 that will be held in France.
Euro 2016 will take place amid an atmosphere of high alert following atrocities in Paris and Brussels.
French authorities have extended a state of emergency until the end of the tournament, as well as the Tour de France cycling race, which will be held from July 2 to July 24.