After the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack on January 7, 2015, the French government launched a military operation called Sentinelle and deployed soldiers to patrol sensitive areas of the country. Later that year, on November 13, 130 people were killed and hundreds injured in terror attacks which targeted the Bataclan concert hall, the Stade de France stadium, and restaurants and bars in Paris.
In the wake of the attacks, President François Hollande declared a state of emergency and increased the manpower of Operation Sentinelle to 10,000 — with 3,500 troops in Paris, 3,500 in the provinces and 3,000 reserves.
European Pressphoto Agency’s Yoan Valat, who shot the images in this feature, said: “On the eve of the first anniversary of the November 13 terror attacks, I wanted to look at one day with soldiers involved in this operation. I spent the day with the 1er Regiment de spahis de Valence patrolling Paris’ 17th district.
“The logistics of accommodating a troop surge in a city like Paris is a complex challenge. An active fire station serves as a daily base for the unit I followed, where the men share their lunches and exercise alongside their firefighter hosts. The standard mission duration is two months with no leave. Some men within the unit are already on their fifth or sixth mission. The medal for Protection of the Territory is awarded to all soldiers after 60 days of service within Operation Sentinelle.
“Tourists enjoying the City of Lights often find themselves surprised to be walking side-by-side with military armed forces in the streets of Paris, but for us Parisians it has become commonplace.”