A majority of likely voters support sending American ground troops to fight ISIS, according to the latest Morning Consult/Politico poll.
Fifty-five percent signaled support for ground troops to fight ISIS while 36 percent opposed the idea.
Fifty-eight percent in the poll also signaled that they do not want the United States to accept more Syrian refugees. Only 33 percent of voters supported the idea of letting in more refugees from Syria.
The numbers signal opposition to President Barack Obama’s handling of the crisis in Syria. Although he has launched thousands of airstrikes in the region for two years, he remains opposed to American ground combat troops directly fighting ISIS.
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton also remains opposed to the idea of using U.S. ground troops to fight the Islamic state.
Under Obama, the U.S. has admitted 10,000 Syrian refugees already in 2016, has signaled that he wants to accept 110,000 Syrian refugees by next year.