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Ambassador says Tehran hopeful to take delivery of S300 air defense from Moscow
L’ambasciatore iraniano in Russia, Mehdi Sanaie, ha detto che Teheran vorrebbe acquistare da Mosca il sistema di difesa aerea S300. Sanaie, durante una conferenza stampa, ha affermato che la Repubblica Islamica dell’Iran spera che il sistema S300 possa soddisfare il bisogno di difesa iraniano.
L’ambasciatore ha assicurato che l’Iran ritiene che l’accordo sulla consegna del sistema sia legale, in quanto il sistema è di natura difensiva. L’ambasciatore ha detto inoltre che l’accordo per l’acquistodel sistema di difesa aerea russo non viola la legge internazionale.
The ambassador said that the deal to buy air defense system from Russia does not violate the international law and regulations.
The Russian governments deals with the issue with goodwill, said Sanaie, adding that he raised the delay in delivery of the air defense system with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
He hoped that the case will be closed once the S300 system is delivered to Iran.
Elsewhere in the interview, Sanaie outlined foreign policy of President Hassan Rouhani, and said constructive and effective engagement with the world, detente, reconstruction of relations with the world powers, improved ties with regional states, especially with the neighbors, expansion of relations with traditional partners in Asia and Europe make up for agenda of the new government.
The ambassador elaborated on diplomatic campaign of President Hassan Rouhani to blame the western governments for their arbitrary sanctions on Iran and said that the governments is involved in addressing the difficulties caused by the sanctions.
He said the Iranian diplomacy focuses on campaign against extremism and terrorism and spread of weapons of mass destruction and removal of ambiguities on peaceful nature of Iranˈs nuclear program.
Source IRNA
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Hezbollah’s Syria role promoted Takfirism: Geagea
I cristiani pagano lo scotto di non essere in grado di aiutare Damasco a resistere, oppure a cadere. Per le emigrazioni, le frizioni interne e lo scollamento della leadership dall’opinione pubblica, i maroniti rischiano anche il primato in seno al cristianesimo nazionale. Armeni e melchiti infatti sono in crescita, sia come influenza politica sia in cifre. I primi hanno fatto da ago della bilancia alle parlamentari del 2009. La loro presenza in Libano è capillare e sedimentata. Il genocidio per mano ottomana, a suo tempo, fece del paese dei cedri un primo rifugio per i sopravvissuti alla tragedia. Oggi gli armeni di Beirut, Byblos e Tripoli avvertono molto meno, rispetto ai maroniti, il bisogno di scappare: sono di loro proprietà banche, attività commerciali e patrimoni immobiliari. Il fatto di aver conservato una posizione terza durante la guerra civile li rende amici di tutti. L’unica questione che, invece, li porta ad alzare la voce è l’ipotesi che la Turchia intervenga militarmente in Siria. Per gli armeni, una dimostrazione di forza di Ankara rappresenterebbe un à rebours agli incubi del genocidio.
Discorso ulteriormente diverso per i melchiti, amici di Assad e allineati con i palestinesi nei campi profughi. Oggi nel Libano del sud la loro comunità è in crescita: melchite sono alcune nuove iniziative commerciali nel villaggio di Qana. Non è poi un caso che il patriarca Gregorio III Laham sia tanto spesso a Beirut, quando invece la sua sede episcopale è tra Damasco e Antiochia. In verità, è difficile comprendere questa chiesa sui iuris a Roma. I suoi movimenti sono lenti, e solo quando ha raggiunto uno scopo ci si rende conto del suo peso politico. A oggi, due sono le certezze: l’allineamento melchita con gli Assad e la trasformazione del Libano in un primo approdo nel caso il regime crollasse.
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea launched a vehement attack on Hezbollah and the March 8 coalition Tuesday, saying the party’s military involvement in Syria has promoted terrorism in Lebanon.
“Those who took unilateral decisions brought us suicide bombers after they went to fight in Syria,” Geagea said in reference to the recent wave of suicide attacks in Lebanon.
His remarks came during a ceremony in honor of two prominent Lebanese media figures – the late Pierre Sadek and Nassir al-Asaad.
“March 8’s attitude and its decisions of war and peace, use of a weapons domestically and fighting in Syria is what fueled the wave of Takfirism,” Geagea said.
“Those responsible for the emergence of Takfiris in Lebanon are Hezbollah and the March 8 axis,” he added.
Geagea asked, “how come Hezbollah did not seek popular or political support for its military intervention in Syria but demands partnership in a future government,” adding that “the Lebanese today are in dire need of an active government that would safeguard their borders, maintain their security, revive their economy and not sacrifice them in favor of defending the Assad regime.”
Source Daily Star
Israel, Lebanon move to ease tensions after border skirmish
Domenica sera, intorno alle 21.00 (20.00 ore italiane) , nella zona di confine fra Israele e Libano non lontano da Rosh Hanikrà, un soldato (un cecchino secondo Israele) dell’esercito libanese, ha aperto il fuoco contro una pattuglia dell’esercito israeliano in missione di pattugliamento del confine.
L’incidente a fuoco, che potrebbe aprire qualche tragico spiraglio a una ripresa dei combattimenti su un fronte che dalla guerra del 2006 era rimasto relativamente tranquillo, è costato la vita a Shlomo Cohen ufficiale dell’esercito israeliano di 31 anni che è stato ripetutamente colpito dagli spari.
L’uomo è arrivato in condizioni disperate all’ospedale ‘Est Galil’ di Nahariya ed è morto dopo pochi minuti dal ricovero senza riprendere mai conoscenza. Il tenente colonnello Peter Lerner, portavoce dell’esercito israeliano, ha denunciato il fatto alle truppe ONU presenti in zona e responsabili del cessate il fuoco, truppe attualmente comandate dal generale italiano Paolo Serra. Il colonnello Andrea Tenenti, portavoce dell’Unifil, si è per il momento limitato a dire che la missione è stata informata del ‘grave incidente’ ed è in contatto con le parti che stanno cooperando.
Dopo lo scontro a fuoco di ieri sera, l’esercito israeliano ha sparato oggi contro dei soldati libanesi nella zona di Ras al-Naqoura, sul confine sud del Libano. Le ultime notizie danno un soldato libanese colpito, lo riferiscono fonti militari libanesi.
The UN peacekeeping force along the volatile border, UNIFIL, said it called the meeting to “establish the facts and circumstances” behind the flare-up in violence and to restore a cease-fire that has been in place since a 2006 war. It said both sides pledged to preserve “calm and stability.”
In Sunday’s incident, a Lebanese sniper opened fire at an Israeli vehicle traveling near the border area of Rosh Hanikra, killing a soldier inside. Several hours later, the Israeli military said it shot two Lebanese soldiers after spotting “suspicious movement” in the same area. It was the heaviest fighting between the enemy countries in more than three years and drew condemnations and threats of retaliation from Israel.
Late Monday, the Lebanese army distanced itself from the incident, saying the shooting was the result of an “individual act” by a soldier.
It said a military committee was investigating the incident and was coordinating with the UN peacekeeping mission. With the shooter in custody, there was no word on a motive for the attack and no mention of the two soldiers allegedly shot by Israel. The Lebanese army stressed its full commitment to UN resolutions, including maintaining the 2006 cease-fire.
The tame language, and near apology for the incident, was rare for the Lebanese military, which is usually quick to point out Israeli border transgressions. It suggested that Lebanon was keen to avoid a conflagration on its border at a time of severe tensions resulting from the civil war in neighboring Syria.
Likewise, Israeli officials tried to lower the tensions. “The idea is to bring the situation back to normal and not aggravate the situation,” said Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, a military spokesman.
The border has remained mostly quiet since the monthlong war in the summer of 2006, though there have been sporadic outbursts of violence. In the most serious incident, Lebanese forces killed a high-ranking Israeli officer in 2010, claiming the Israeli army had crossed the border while uprooting a tree. Israel responded with artillery fire that killed three Lebanese. Given the years of enmity between the two countries, even the smallest incident raises the risk of sparking a wider conflagration.
The UN Security Council on Monday issued a statement condemning the killing of the Israeli soldier, but noting that “UNIFIL confirmed the Lebanese government’s preliminary findings which indicate that the shooting was an individual action by a soldier.”
Late Monday, UNIFIL said it had convened a meeting of senior Israeli and Lebanese officers at the Naqoura border crossing, near the site of the shooting. UNIFIL’s commander, Maj. Gen. Paolo Serra, and the UN special coordinator for Lebanon, Derek Plumbly, also attended.
In a statement, Serra said preliminary findings indicated the Lebanese sniper had acted alone, in violation of operational rules and procedures. He said the sides discussed “concrete steps” to strengthen security arrangements, and emphasized their interest in preserving “calm and stability.”
“I was encouraged by the discussion at the tripartite meeting and by the way the parties approached the issues at hand,” Serro said. “They affirmed their full commitment to the cessation of hostilities.”
Lebanon and Israel have been officially at war since Israel’s creation in 1948. Each country bans its citizens from visiting the other, and there are no direct trade ties or diplomatic relations.
Their armies do not communicate directly, but in cases of increased tension exchange messages through the UN Face-to-face meetings under UN auspices like Monday’s sporadically take place, Israeli officials said.
The 2006 war broke out after Iranian-backed Hezbollah guerrillas crossed into Israel and captured two Israeli soldiers. The ensuing monthlong conflict killed about 1,200 Lebanese and 160 Israelis.
Hezbollah has an arsenal of tens of thousands of missiles and rockets aimed at Israel, and Israeli officials say it is only a matter of time for renewed fighting against the Shiite militia. But it was not involved in Sunday’s shooting and officials believe it is not interested in fighting at the current time because it is preoccupied with the war in Syria, where it is aiding the forces of President Bashar Assad.
Israel and Lebanon have fought several wars before. In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon with the stated intention of driving Palestinian guerrillas out of the south. The Israeli military battled halfway through the country into Beirut and occupied south Lebanon until 2000.
The Lebanese are banned from calling or traveling to Israel or having contacts with Israelis. Such an offense is punishable by anything from a few weeks to life in prison with hard labor, depending on the kind and level of contact. All Israeli products are banned in the country, including Israeli films.
Israel restrictions are slightly less stringent, with phone calls to Lebanon and Lebanese film screenings permitted, though it is a punishable offense for an Israeli to visit Lebanon.
The two nation’s carriers do not fly over each other’s airspace. Travelers coming from Israel to Lebanon usually go through Jordan or Egypt. Those with Israeli stamps in their passports are deported, which forces travelers to carry a second passport.
Those who have visited in Lebanon and arrive in Israel are heavily questioned at the border or airport.
Suicide bomber attacks Hezbollah vans near Baalbek
Si inaspriscono le tensioni in Libano con quest’ultimo attacco alla formazione sciita. Gli estremisti sunniti, che appoggiano i rivoltosi siriani, potrebbero essere i responsabili di quest’ultimo attacco contro Hezbollah, dal momento che queste tattiche non sono certo appannaggio dei servizi segreti israeliani. Nei giorni scorsi Hezbollah aveva attaccato duramente l’Arabia Saudita per l’attacco all’ambasciata iraniana in Libano, accusandola di armare e finanziare gli estremisti sunniti.
BEIRUT: A suicide bomber drove an explosives-laden car into two vans carrying Hezbollah members near Baalbek, east Lebanon, early Tuesday, causing a number of casualties, security sources said.
The sources in the Bekaa Valley told The Daily Star that the bomber rammed his BMW into the two vans near a Hezbollah position on a road leading to a Hezbollah camp in Sbouba, northwest of Baalbek.
Other security sources in Beirut said at least four vehicles, including a Range Rover, were damaged in the predawn attack.
The state-run National News Agency had said a four-wheel drive vehicle exploded at 3 a.m. on the Sbouba-Wadi Abu Mousa road that links Harbata with Baalbek, only two kilometers from a Hezbollah position, inflicting an unknown number of casualties.
Hezbollah members manning a checkpoint opened fire on the vehicle, which was being monitored by them, NNA said.
It said the explosion may have been the result of the shooting or that the driver of the four-wheel drive detonated the bomb.
Ambulances were seen heading toward the scene of the blast, which has been sealed off, NNA added.
The Hezbollah-run Al-Manar television channel confirmed the explosion, but said there were no casualties.
“A car bomb exploded on a dirt road on the outskirts of Sbouba, west Baalbek, causing no damage or casualties,” it said on its website.
Hezbollah has recently been the target of several explosions believed linked to its role in Syria.
Hezbollah fighters have been fighting alongside government forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Two suicide bombers attacked the Iranian embassy in the southern Beirut neighborhood of Bir Hasan Nov. 19, killing 25 people and wounding more than 150.
Turkey in regular contact with Hezbollah: envoy
La Turchia mantiene contatti costanti con Hezbollah, nonostante le divergenze politiche nella crisi siriana, ha dichiarato oggi l’ambasciatore turco in Libano, Inan Ozyildiz. L’ambasciatore, intervistato dal quotidiano As-Safir, ha dichiarato che la Turchia non è d’accordo con le strategie di Hezbollah per la situazione in Siria, ma che Hezbollah è un partito libanese e la Turchia intende mantenere rapporti costanti con la formazione sciita, Questo nonostante l’Unione Europea abbia deciso l’iscrizione dell’ala militare di Hezbollah nella ‘black-list’ delle organizzazioni terroristiche.
He noted that Turkey and Hezbollah discuss the situation in Lebanon and the region as well as the different viewpoints regarding Syria, assuring that there is no dispute between the two sides.
Ozyildiz added that Hezbollah and Turkey share similar views over several issues.
Hezbollah, an ally of Syria’s Bashar Assad regime, has been involved in fighting alongside government troops against rebels whereas Turkey backs the Syrian opposition and is a strong opponent of the Assad regime.
The Turkish envoy also said his country does not know the whereabouts of the two bishops kidnapped in Syria earlier this year.
The two bishops Youhanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yazigi were kidnapped on April 23 in the northern Syrian province of Aleppo.
Ozyildiz said that Turkey does not have the means to find any of abducted in Syria and that if it had any capabilities to free the two bishops it would do it without any delay.
He expressed hope that the two bishops are well and would be freed swiftly.
Carnegie associate researcher expects strong return of Muslim Brotherhood
Yezid Sayigh, della Carnegie Middle East Center di Beirut, si aspetta un forte ritorno dei Fratelli Musulmani. Sayigh, il cui lavoro si concentra sulla crisi siriana e il ruolo politico degli eserciti arabi, ha twittato: “I fatti e le prove stanno dimostrando un forte ritorno della Fratekllanza Musulmana in Egitto e in Siria.”
He pointed out the overwhelming victory of the MB representatives in the Doctors Syndicate in Egypt.
“Today’s notable progress of the MB in the Doctors Syndicate, despite the demonisation campaigns carried out against them, proved that doctors and educated Egyptians have not been affected by media lies,” he said.
The researcher continued: “When the zero point comes, coup leaders will be surprised that most of the Egyptian army and its leaders support president Morsi, and only a small group that betrayed the country for personal glory.”
Last week, Sayiegh tweeted: “The coup leaders are involved in the last round of the coup.” He called upon them to recognise their mistake and unite behind the goals of January 25 revolution.
Iran unveils project to produce 1st national GPS system
L’Iran ha svelato il progetto per realizzare il primo sistema GPS nteramente nazionale. Il progetto é stato svelato nel corso di una cerimonia ieri, domenica 15 dicembre, alla presenza del Ministro della Difesa, generale di brigata Hossein Dehqan. La cerimonia si è tenuta presso il Ministero della Difesa dell’Università Malek Ashtar. Parlando ai giornalisti, a margine della cerimonia, il generale di brigata ha detto che il GPS gioca un ruolo altamente significativo per l’aviazione, la marina e le forze terrestri. Il sistema può essere utilizzato anche per scopi non militari, tra cui il trasporto urbano e ferroviario, aereo, marittimo, e altri progetti di sviluppo.
Dehqan said that scientific achievements of the Iranian experts while the country is under Westˈs heavy sanctions, indicates the Iraniansˈ firm determination and their scientific knowhow.
He stressed that Iran could presently be considered as a scientific and technological hub in the region due to its significant scientific achievements.
In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in defense sector and gained self-sufficiency in production of essential military hardware and defense systems.
Tehran has repeatedly assured the world that its military might poses no threat to other nations, saying that the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine is entirely based on deterrence.
Source IRNA
Yemen, reflections on last Thursday
Quello che è successo giovedi scorso è stata una tragedia. Il terrorismo in sé e per sé è un enorme problema, ma la brutalità e la barbarie di questo attacco sono – come hanno dichiarato diversi commentatori – senza precedenti in Yemen. Al-Qaeda ha rilasciato una dichiarazione negando la sua partecipazione all’azione.
L’attacco è stato inizialmente progettato per assassinare il presidente Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi.
Little did he know that the criminals would carry out their plan anyway. If they couldn’t get the president, they would create as much damage as possible—taking innocent lives.
The terrorists went from floor to floor, opening fire at patients, doctors, visitors and anyone in their way. They even went into operating rooms and killed the medical staff performing surgeries and the patients under the knife.
People who survived the tragedy said the debris came from below and above and they thought it was judgment day.
President Hadi visited the scene and commanded the defense operations first hand from the site of the attack. He stayed until the early hours of the next day. He proved to be courageous, albeit reckless, and sent a reassuring message to all Yemenis: when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
As a military man, he did the right thing. But if something had happened to him, I don’t know what we would have done. According to the constitution, if there is no deputy president, as is the case today, the speaker of parliament becomes president. I would hate for that to happen, he would be the worst leader for Yemen.
In the aftermath of the tragedy, when the dust had settled, I was shocked to learn that—unlike their male colleagues, the two female doctors who were killed in the attack were denied the honor of being buried in the Martyrs Cemetery. I knew women in Yemen were discriminated against but never imagined that the discrimination would follow us to our grave, literally.
Investigations are ongoing and new security measures are in place at key places. We lost many Yemeni lives and lost many of our international friends, who risked their lives to come to Yemen to help us. The silver lining is that what does not kill us as a nation, only makes us stronger. The country survived last Thursday and will come out stronger against terrorism and those who use it.
Last Thursday’s event shocked Yemenis and made them reconsider their attitudes toward jihadists as well as violence in general. It has also provided Hadi with more domestic and international support and has made Yemenis love him more.
However, it has also quickened the urgency to end this transitional period and get to the real business of building our new Yemen. God have mercy on those whom we lost, and God have mercy on the living, that we may see these changes accomplished.
Source Yemen Times