Il Ministro della Difesa francese Jean-Yves Le Drian oggi ha esortato la comunità internazionale ad agire con decisione in Libia, dal momento che fonti di intelligence riportano che il paese sta diventando un “hub per gruppi terroristici”.
Inun’intervista alquotidianoLe Figaro,Le Drianha dichiarato:”Dobbiamo agirein Libiaemobilitare lacomunitàinternazionale.”
“Oggi lanciamo l’allarme sullagravità della situazionein Libia. Il sudèuna sorta dihub peri gruppiterroristici”, ha aggiuntoil ministro”mentre nel nord,i centripolitici ed economicidel paese stanno rischiandodi caderesotto il controllojihadista.Ela Libiaè la portasiaverso l’EuropaeilSahara”, ha avvertito.
Libya has been sliding into chaos since Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown and killed three years ago with the help of Western air power, with interim authorities confronting powerful militias which fought to oust the veteran dictator.
Thousands of desperate migrants have since tried to cross the Mediterranean to Europe from its coast, creating a major refugee crisis in Italy and Malta.
The Libyan government announced in August it had tendered its resignation to parliament, days after a rival Islamist administration was created.
Le Drian said he would discuss the situation in Libya with his European counterparts at a meeting in Milan, northern Italy, later on Tuesday.
He added that French forces in Mali could “move up” to the Libyan border.
Last month, in a major foreign policy speech, French President Francois Hollande described Libya as his current “major concern” and called on the United Nations to provide special support for authorities in the North African nation.
“France asks the United Nations… to organise exceptional support for Libyan authorities to restore their state,” Hollande said, without detailing what form this support should take.
“There is total confusion” in Libya, he warned.
Tripoli has witnessed heavy fighting in recent weeks between militias, mostly Islamists and nationalists, for control of the city’s international airport.